On the Road to Entrepreneurship coaching will start in April in Pihtipudas and Viitasaari

Do you dream of entrepreneurship or do you want to develop your business idea? Now you have the opportunity to learn, be inspired and network at our free coaching events! The events are intended for everyone interested in entrepreneurship and selling your own expertise in North Central Finland. The coaching includes four events and a company visit, you can participate in individual events or all of them.

What you get from the coaching:

  • Inspiration and practical tips for entrepreneurship
  • Information on finding customers and the opportunities of rural entrepreneurship
  • Understand and learn about digital tools and sustainable business

Come join us to network, learn and find your entrepreneurial path!

🗓️ Events in Pihtipudas and Viitasaari:

  • Wed 2.4. 5–7 p.m. Pihtipudas, Hubteekki: From expert to entrepreneur
  • Tue 15.4. 6–8 p.m. Viitasaari, Digikeskus: Opportunities for rural entrepreneurship
  • Thu 8.5. 5–7 p.m. Pihtipudas, Hubteekki: Who are my customers, where can I find them? -workshop
  • Thu 22.5. 3–5 p.m. Viitasaari, Digikeskus: Digital tools to boost business! -workshop
  • Wed 28.5. 5–7 p.m. Company visit: Kolima Distillery

Free and open to everyone trainings in English.

👉 More information and sign up: https://forms.office.com/e/ejL9gfCKvx

Enthusiasm, learning and networks on the Road to Entrepreneurship in northern Central Finland.

Implemented by the Northern Central Finland Vocational College, part of the SISU Business project, funded by the European Union through the Central Finland ELY Centre.

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